The Pocono Chamber of Commerce would like to invite you to participate in the Bizzy Award nominations. The Bizzy Awards are an annual celebration of local businesses—our Oscars style award ceremony for the Chamber member organizations! Our deadline for nominations is May 31st and we think your company would be an incredible fit! This is an amazing opportunity for visibility and recognition of your business, as the awards show is televised live. Our winners and nominees alike receive a plethora of local recognition before, during, and after the event! Click the REGISTER NOW button to get started!!
The 2024 Bizzy Award Ceremony will be held on September 18, 2025, from 5:30PM-8:30PM at Camelback Resort. Our 2025 nomination categories include:
Best Overall Business
Tiny, But Mighty Business
Best Small Business
Best New Business
Best Curbside Appeal
Best Business Logo
Best Non-Profit
Best Social Media Presence
Best “Rockstar” Employee
Best Business Leader
Best Customer Service